Bred Dogs

These are my beautiful bred dogs! They are all unbelieveably gorgeous <33 In no order, blogger doesn't like editing when I set my pages out like this. It mucks the layout up.

Name: Ashford
Origin: Bred by cathface
DOB: January 16th 2011

Isn't Ashford one hell gorgeous bullie? Catherine was breeding bullies for someone and then put the leftovers for adoption....and I couldn't help but snag the gorgeous Ashford. He even trots, omg. He has so many markings- and his body texture is just perfect. I'm so glad I adopted this guy. Sometimes I accidentaly called him Aisling even though its a girls name, hurr durr <33
     Name: Dalka
Origin: Bred by Bailey @ FDL
DOB: October 4th 2009

DALKAAA!! Isn't she just beautiful, omg. I love how her coat matches her ice blue eyes. I'm not actually a massive fan of Ice Blue eyes, but they are absolutely perfect on this girl <3 I got her in one of Bailey's grab bags, just like a large majority of my bred pets are <3 I know grab bags are supposed to be for 'reject' petz......personally I can't see how Dalka and her grab bag friends are rejects one bit. I love this little girlie to bits, she has a gorgeous personality <3
Name: Demon
Origin: Bred by Bailey @ FDL
DOB: September 20th 2009

My little Demon <33 I have never seen teal eyes look better, specially against his beautiful coat colours and sexified chi ears. Demon is unbeliveably cute, again from a grab bag. He is a totally nerdy herp dog and loves to wear his thick framed glasses, they make him think well.  Many people don't like chi ears, I love them. I only hate them when they are on chihuahuas. Rofl I love Demon in every single way possible <3

Name: Deric
 Origin: Bailey @ FDL
DOB: July 15th 2010

Green eyes! They have to be one of my faves. Deric is beautiful, such a beautiful halfie! I am such a big sucker for fuzzy danes, and I think this guy has scottie ears? All his white patches just add to his perfection, as well as his selfie lids. This dog is just amazing! Another grab bag fellow <3 Deric is really affectionate and is always begging for some fuss! He is such a bachelor, always charming the ladies <3
Name: Difference
Origin: Bred by cathface
DOB:  January 11th 2011

Purebred sheeeeeppiiieeeee <3 I love 55 omg, and with white it is gorgeous! This dog couldn't be better. I love sheepies yeah. And unfortunatley Difference is my only one. Cathface put upsome litters on PCG and Diffy was the one who caught my eye, with his colours and also as an added bonus a trotter, I had to snag him like a ninja. He is just so sweet and he melts my heart as a puppy <3
Name: Edan
Origin: Bailey @ FDL
DOB: January 11th 2011

EDAM CHEESE YEAH. Actually I hate cheese. And this dog's name is Edan. Fail. Look at this babe, with her massive poofy feet and baby pink eyes. I love everything about Edan. Her selfie (!) lids, markings and colours, and bodyshape. I can't believe this girl is a reject! She doesn't run, she floofs due to her awesome oversized feeties. She even has a stub tail *squuee* <3
Name: Erios
  Orign: Bailey @ FDL
DOB: 10th December 2010

I am getting this guy mixed up. I have a dog in game called Eiros, and this guy is called Erios. His picture name is called Eiros. Phail man. His name is pronounced Air-ree-oss, and he is wicked. I just love his markings! And his sweet pink eyes. And his little black back feets. I think he has got a Mutt face? maybe its dane idk. He is my baby anyhow <3
Name: Emu
Origin: Bailey @ FDL
DOB: December 30th 2010

Emuuu. I named him Emu because his bodyshape and propotions are crazy, and that reminded me of an Emu. I love his pink eyes against his red fur! and his dali spots teehee. H makes me laugh when I'm watching him- he is just so silly xP Another guy from the grab bags yo. I love grab bags. And I love Emu <3
Name: Lamay
Origin: Bred by Karebear
DOB: ???

Is Lamay just Divine? Karrie certainly breeds the best labs ever <3